Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bus Eireann versus Matthews Bus..who wins?

There is this constant debate between students of DKIT. The Bus Eireann bus, commonly known as the "poverty bus" or the Matthews bus, commonly known as the "golden ticket bus". I am a devout Bus Eireann passenger! Yes i earn a good bit of cash from my job but why in God's name would i spend 40euro a week on the Matthews bus where i could spend 25euro on the Bus Eireann bus?? That 15euro saved could be spent on good old alcohol or credit! OK we don't have reclining seats and air conditioning on our bus, but at least it's warm and dry(sometimes).
I would pick Bus Eireann any day!


Dean Fitz said...

How dare you! lol. It sucks Emily...Get a real bus! Matthews have excelled themselves...Today the super luxurious bus arrived! Black and red interior...Extra padded bucket seats...Oh the comfort! said...

yea well the flies werent humping each other today on the mustard bus they were just sitting minding they're own business!! so there!!

Shinnie-Bob said...

Ahhh yes i'd choose the poverty bus every day!!! Just because the golden ticket bus doesn't go through Dunleer... Ha! Ha! Ha!